

If you can keep going as you are, you will reach a great place. Because you understand the bright and dark parts of that path, the strong and weak parts of yourself, the desire to go somewhere else and the desire to stay. You have a strong mental power and try to walk the best path that integrates all the conflicting elements. You are sure that it is the path to overcome yourself. Even if there are difficulties and obstacles, you will always be able to overcome them.


The choice to fight and win. If you can't choose any other path, take this path. Not an easy road. Elements that prevent you from continuing to progress will also appear in the future. It is a battle with yourself that is likely to lose, to be discouraged, to run away. If you don't lose, don't get discouraged, and don't run away, you will definitely win. The enemy is inside you. Success is within you. It is a choice that will test your self-discipline.


You are in control of everything. The future is in your hands. Don't lose your passion. Don't leave it to your emotions. Driven by passionate feelings, you can overcome your own fragility in order to obtain what you want, and you will also be able to control your future.


With a feeling of overflowing emotion in your heart, you are heading towards your target with all your heart. Even though you are driven by intense emotional energy, you remain rational and in control. Because you really want to get it. You are a master of movement and stillness, and are pushing forward with faith in your victory.



There is no chance of winning if you proceed blindly without a policy. If you don't set your feelings and direction firmly, things are going to be messed up. Try to find the point where you have the most control without being torn apart by conflict. Don't try to force things that you can't control yourself.


The situation is bad. If you don't get yourself back on your feet, it will be difficult to follow that path. To move forward, you must overcome obstacles. What is the obstacle, why is it there, and for what purpose? Calm down and understand. What part of your power should be used, how and with what degree? You need to stop and work out your strategy.


What you need to overcome is your own weakness. Foolish fragility, drowning in temptation and confused by fear. Any problem is your problem. Every battle is a battle with yourself. There is no victory without mastering yourself, and success lies in having mastery over yourself.